About Us
The Ricker College Board of Trustees supervises the distribution of a number of scholarships each year. The actual number varies from time to time. Every effort is made to provide at least one for each secondary school that serves students from Aroostook County. Applicants from Washington County and those who previously may have applied unsuccessfully but are currently attending college may also apply. However, fewer scholarships are available for persons in these last two categories.
Most scholarships are valued at $2,000 and are renewable until the student receives his/her baccalaureate degree provided the recipient remains in good standing at the college. No scholarships are awarded for more than four years.
Applicants must be in the top quarter of their graduating classes; must have fully completed the application form; and must have returned it to the Ricker office no later than the fourth Friday in April.
Applicants are nominated by a special committee of the Board and approved by vote of the full Board. All applications become the property of the Board which reserves the right to reject any or all applications.
Scholarships administered by the Board of Trustees carry the names of persons to whose memories the various funds have been dedicated. Details can be found on the downloadable application forms in our FORMS section.