Frequently Asked Questions
Each year, at the end of the first semester, you must send to this office a copy of your first semester grades and a copy of your second semester schedule. Most schools provide this info on line, so e-mail us a copy. We will then issue a check to your school. - I’M IN A FIVE OR SIX-YEAR PROGRAM? CAN I GET FUNDED BEYOND MY FOURTH YEAR?
No. Our by-laws only allow us to pay through the Bachelor’s Degree. One reason for this is that our funds are limited. - WHEN I’M STUDYING ABROAD DURING ONE OF MY YEARS, WHERE DOES THE SCHOLARSHIP CHECK GO?
It goes to your home school, not the school you are visiting. - I DIDN’T RECEIVE A SCHOLARSHIP, BUT I APPLIED. CAN I GET ONE AS AN IN-SCHOOL STUDENT?
In the past, before we increased the scholarship from $1000 to $2000, we sometimes had an extra scholarship available. But our funds are so tight now that the chance of receiving an in-school scholarship is extremely remote. - I HAVE TAKEN EXTRA COURSES AND ATTENDED SUMMER SCHOOL. I WILL GRADUATE WITH MY BA AFTER THREE YEARS. CAN I HAVE THE FOURTH YEAR APPLIED TO GRADUATE SCHOOL?
Not usually. Once again, our by-laws are quite clear and must be followed: We fund only through the baccalaureate degree.